Agent Rosie

As a co-owner of The Standard Society, established in 2013, Heather is a talent agent primarily for directors, animators, and editors in the commercial advertising industry. As their representative, Heather connects them to opportunities to expand their artistic ability, and promote their skills, and vision for story.

I met Heather purely because she and my cousin Tom met, fell in love, married, and now have a daughter, home & life together. 

Early on, each encounter I had with Heather one upped the previous. She was charming, beautiful, and electric. Smart, incredibly witty, with an infectious laugh. For years I knew little about her professional life. Here and there I'd hear she was writing something, working with creatives. Made sense to me, she was always donning a tint of wild color in her hair, plus her sense for storytelling was solid. My cousin had an incredible partner and I was grateful that she was part of our family. I find it wild how, when people are part of your family, you really know little about what exactly they do for their career. You rarely get into the conversation. 

Around 2012, I was talking to Tom, expressing a struggle I was having with my career. He suggested I talk with Heather, saying she helped creative people. I reached out. The short conversation was, as expected, brilliant and fun. However, her natural ability to listen, connect, encourage, and then direct me on a path for my future was highly impactful. The moment was pivotal for me. I began to think differently about what I was currently doing as a creative and developed new aspirations for my creative future. 

Agent Rosie firmly stands here on set as a trend setter in an industry with far too few female agents. As an ally for those in the director's chair, impacting and inspiring the voices of both women and men. This Modern Rosie portrait depicts my cousin Heather in a powerful light. As a beaming symbol to her daughter, our family, and the larger creative community. She expands the notion that women can be wildly passionate mothers inside their homes, while simultaneously being fierce economic agents for change outside.

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